Sant Mat
An Introduction to Sant Mat and Radhasoami (Radha Soami -- Pronounced "Radha-Swami") -- The Path of the Masters -- India's Sants and Poet-Mystics (Lovers of the Beloved), and Surat Shabd Yoga Meditation Practice: Bhakti of the Inner Light and Sound of God.
“Blessed are the souls who in today’s materialistic world have an inclination towards Spirituality.” (Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj)
If you have questions, comments, are seeking information, perhaps searching for a book, trying to locate a Satsang meetup in your area, seeking initiation, etc..., contact James at this address: SantMat_Mystic["at”] Yahoo["dot"]com.

In the Corpus Hermeticum and Nag Hammadi scriptures are/were described all of the ingredients of a living, viable mystical path:
1) living masters/teachers with students (past masters, scrolls, cuneiform tablets, or old scriptures are not enough; a living guide is required);
2) a cosmology of several heavens/inner regions/planes/spheres;
3) an understanding that souls can access these realms here and now during this present life (a present-tense Kingdom of Heaven available to souls right now, not a spirituality postponed till some magical date on a calendar or hypothesized future age);
4) initiation into the mysteries of the heavens, imparting to spiritual seekers the meditation techniques and sacred names;
5) visionary and auditory mysticism (inner Light and Sound, spiritual seeing and hearing) -- descriptions of souls traveling within through various inner regions;
6) they have an ethical code, and this moral foundation includes a vegetarian diet, then and now;
7) The Goal of the teachings and meditation practice is experiencing direct union with God.
In this life, the concept of salvation all describe;
To meet the Lord by dying while living, none discloses.
They all speak of the goal of salvation after death;
How to attain it while living, no one says. Were they to reveal the method of achieving release while living,
Then alone would Tulsi be convinced of their words?
Who speaks, after seeing with their own eyes, and teach the method of salvation during life,
They are of the stage and stature of Saints, for they reveal the quintessence of the soul.
Within this body breathes the secret essence. Within this body beats the heart of the Vedas.
Within this body shines the entire Universe, so the saints say.
Hermits, ascetics, celibates all are lost, seeking Him in endless guises.
Seers and sages perfectly parrot the scriptures and holy books, blinded by knowledge.
Their pilgrimage, and fasting, and striving but delude
Despite their perfect practice, they discover no destination.
Only the Saints who know the body's heart have attained the Ultimate, O Tulsi.
Realize this, and you've found your freedom (while teachers trapped in tradition know only the mirage in the mirror).
- God is Real.
- God is Love, the Ocean of Love and Compassion.
- All of the world scriptures teach about the same manifestation of God as inner mystical Light and Sound.
- Our true identity is the soul, the self, and the soul is part of God and, like God, pure love.
- During this human existence, we have an opportunity to experience God.
- As we experience communing with God's love during meditation -- Surat Shabd Yoga -- we can rise above body-consciousness and explore Inner Space, the "Kingdom of the Heavens" that are within us. "We travel back from the Realm of Darkness to the Realm of Light, from the Light to divine Sound, and from the realm of Sound to the Soundless State [Anami, Radhaswami, Anadi Purush, Ram]." (Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj) The drop merges back into the Ocean of Love.
- As we get initiated into the Mysteries of the Spirit by a Living Teacher (Master, Sant Satguru), the purpose of our life is fulfilled. Reuniting with God is our reason to be here: "It was for the sake of the God-conscious beings that our True Lord created this earth, and began this play of death and birth." ("Adi Granth") Guru Kabir says: "For millions of years you have slept. This morning, will you not wake?".
"Sant Mat (the path and teachings as taught and practiced by Saints [Sant Satgurus]) delineates the path of union of the soul with God. The instructions of the saints explain the reuniting as follows:
"The individual soul has descended from the higher worlds [the Realm of the Divine] to this city of illusion, bodily existence. It has descended from the Soundless State to the essence of Sound, from that Sound to Light, and finally from the realm of Light to the kingdom of Darkness. The sense organs' qualities (dharmas, natural tendencies) draw us downward and away from our true nature.
"The nature of the soul (atman) draws us upwards and inwards and establishes us in our true nature. Returning to our origins involves turning inward: withdrawal of consciousness from the senses and the sense objects to go upward from the Darkness to the realms of Light and Sound. [We experience this phenomenon of withdrawal as we pass from waking consciousness to deep sleep.] Another way to express this is to go inward from the external sense organs to the depth of the inner self. (Both of these expressions are metaphors that signify the same movement). The natural tendencies of the soul (atman) are to move from outward to inward. The current of consciousness, which is dispersed in the nine gates of the body and the senses, must be collected at the tenth gate.
"The tenth gate is the gathering point of consciousness. Therein lies the path for our return. The tenth gate is also known as the sixth chakra, the third eye, Bindu, the center located between the two eyebrows. This is the gateway through which we leave the sense organs' gates, enter the divine realms, and finally become established in the soul. We travel back from the Realm of Darkness to the Realm of Light, the Light to the Divine Sound, and the Realm of Sound to the Soundless State. This is called turning back to the Source.
"This is what dharma or religion intends to teach us. This is the essence of dharma." (Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj, "Harmony Of All Religions").
How could the love between Thee and me sever?
As the leaf of the lotus abides on the water, so thou art my Lord, and I am Thy servant.
As the night-bird Chakor gazes all night at the moon, so Thou art my Lord, and I am Thy servant.
From the beginning until the ending of time, there is love between Thee and me;
And how shall such love be extinguished?
Kabir says: "As the river enters into the Ocean, so my heart touches Thee." (Guru Kabir)
In India, it's common knowledge that the term "Sant Mat" was coined or adapted by Param Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras during the 19th Century. "Sant Mat" was adopted and popularized by Tulsi Sahib as a new name for this spiritual path or genre of mysticism. Still, the Nirguna Bhakti Sant Tradition of India (devotees of the Formless Supreme Being, the Ocean of Love), with its many guru-lineages or branches, is a spiritual movement that dates back many centuries to ancient India. Tulsi Sahib thought that the Sant movement goes back to Krishna thousands of years ago, that Krishna knew of Sants or Rishis during his day, the age of the Bhagavad Gita.
"While the title of Sant Mat (translated as 'Teachings of the Sants') was not coined until the late 19th Century by Tulsi Sahib, the philosophical mindset was indeed prevalent for many centuries." (Andrea Grace Diem, Ph.D., "Lions in Punjab: An Introduction to the Sikh Religion," from Chapter One, The Sikh-Sant Connection)
Requirements for Initiation into Sant Mat (Surat Shabd Yoga: The Inner Light and Sound of God, Inner Light, and Sound Meditation): *CLICK*.
- Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts @ Youtube -- Online Satsangs provide words of light and love for the spiritual journey, exploring the Sant Tradition of India, Santmat, Surat Shabd Yoga -- Inner Light and Sound Meditation, Radhasoami -- Radhaswami, Path of the Masters: *CLICK*.
- Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts @ Libsyn: Subscribe @ the Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast Website: *CLICK*.
- Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts @ Apple Podcasts: *CLICK*.
- Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts @ Spotify: *CLICK*.
- Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts @ Google Podcasts: *CLICK*.
- Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts @ Amazon, Amazon Audible, also Alexa: *CLICK*.
- Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts @ The Internet Archive: *CLICK*.
- Subscribe via email to "Light and Sound on the Path" (Sant Mat Fellowship E-Newsletter via GroupsIO): *CLICK*.
- Requirements for Initiation in Sant Mat (Surat Shabd Yoga: The Inner Light and Sound of God, Inner Light, and Sound Meditation): *CLICK*.
- Article: "The Yoga of Sound -- Exploring Inner Sound Meditation (Auditory Mysticism, Surat Shabd Yoga) in the Sacred Texts of the Great World Religions, Gnostic Traditions, and Sant Mat," By James Bean: *CLICK*.
- Sant Mat Radhasoami E-Library, New and Expanded, at Blogger/Blogspot -- Recommended Reading -- Free E-Books: Sant Mat, Radhasoami, Surat Shabd Yoga, Inner Light, and Sound Meditation, Poetry of Kabir, Guru Nanak, Guru Granth, Namdev, Tukaram, Dadu Dayal, Many Other Bhakti Poet-Mystics, Saints of India, Sufis, Gnostics, and Other Spiritual Books Online: *CLICK*.
- Sant Mat Online E-Library -- Sant Mat and Radhasoami Books -- Recommended Reading: *CLICK*.
- Sant Mat E-Books @ Scribd: *CLICK*.
- A great introduction to this Path -- The "Sant Mat" Chapter of the Book, "Harmony Of All Religions," by Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj -- PDF: *CLICK*.
- One of the best books ever written about Sant Mat -- "Philosophy Of Liberation," by Maharshi Mehi -- PDF File Download: *CLICK*.
- At the heart of the mystical tradition is Kabir, the "Rumi" of India, a founding guru of Sant Mat. His poetry serves as the perfect introduction to this Bhakti path of 'the Lover and the Beloved' -- "Songs of Kabir" -- one hundred poems at the Sacred Texts Website: *CLICK*.
- An Introduction to Sant Mat Spirituality and Meditation: *CLICK*.
- Why Be Vegan or Vegetarian? Read, "The Book of Compassion -- Reverence For All Life": *CLICK*.
- "My Visit to a Dairy Farm" is an article that has helped many vegetarians transition to a cruelty-free vegan diet: *CLICK*.
- The Ahimsa Prayer -- A Philosophy of Life Based on Non-violence in Thought, Word and Deed (Including in the Area of Diet): *CLICK*.
- Sant Mat Radhasoami Blog @ Blogspot: *CLICK*.
- Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality Blog @ Medium: *CLICK*.
- Sant Mat Radhasoami Blog @ WordPress: *CLICK*.
- Sant Mat -- Daily Spiritual Quotes @ Facebook: *CLICK*.
- Sant Mat -- Daily Spiritual Quotes @ Twitter: *CLICK*.
- Sant Mat -- Daily Spiritual Quotes @ Tumblr: *CLICK*.
- Sant Mat @ Instagram: *CLICK*.
- Sant Mat Radhasoami LINKS PAGE: Sant Mat, Radhasoami, Surat Shabd Yoga, Kabir and the Bhakti Sants of India, the Path of the Masters and Mystics of Inner Light and Sound: *CLICK*.
- Spiritual Awakening Inter-Faith LINKS PAGE of World Religions and Sacred Texts, East and West, from Apocrypha to Zoroaster: *CLICK*.
- Charts of the Heavens -- God-Worlds -- Inner Regions -- Planes -- Spheres of Creation According to Sant Mat Mysticism, Radhasoami, and Surat Shabd Yoga: *CLICK*.
- Guru Lineage Charts of Sant Mat, Surat Shabd Yoga -- Inner Light and Sound Meditation, Guru Kabir, the Dharamdasis of Kabir Panth, Dariya Sahib, the Ten Sikh Gurus, Param Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, Maharshi Mehi, and the Radhasoami Faith: *CLICK*.
- All souls (jivas) are, in essence, drops of love from the Ocean of God.
- The attachment and association with mind and body make the soul lose sight of the authentic Self.
- God assumes the form of a Saint to lead the soul back to its Original Home.
- One must surrender one's entire being to the Ocean of Love of which we are a part, instead of limiting ourselves to sensual pleasures which leave us unhappy and unfulfilled.
- This can be done by the practice of Surat Shabd Yoga [Inner Light and Sound Meditation].
- By attuning oneself to the Life Current which proceeds from the Heart of Anami Purush [God, The Nameless One/Radhasoami] in the form of Light and Sound, one can finally achieve union with the True Self, finding the joy one is seeking. ("R.S. White Paper on Religion of Sants and Radhasoami Faith")
The Following Principles Below are Recited Daily by Some in India:
- Ultimate Reality is beyond any beginning or end, infinite, beyond birth, beyond the senses, all-pervading yet even beyond pervasiveness. It must, therefore, be understood as the Supreme Being. This Essential Element is known in Santmat [the Teachings of the Saints] as the Lord of All and is the foundation of all things. This being is beyond both the inanimate and animate aspects of nature. It is without qualities and beyond qualities. Its character is infinite, imperishable, all-powerful. It is beyond time and space, beyond sound and form (Nirguna). It is the One without a second. The Supreme Being is beyond the scope of the mind, the intellect, and the senses. The energy of this being powers this entire universe. This being is not human. It is not manifested in physical form. It has an existence beyond the illusion of Maya [illusion], and there is nothing that exists outside of it. It is the bringing that is eternal and is in existence from the beginning. Santmat considers this Being to be the Divine Reality, and this [knowing or merging with] this being is the goal of all spirituality.
- The individual soul is an inseparable part of the Supreme Being.
- The physical world of nature was created with an origin and an end.
- The individual soul (jiva), bound by illusion (Maya), remains in the cycle of death and birth, and this is the cause of one's suffering. To escape from this cycle of death and delivery, we must experience the realization of this Supreme Being.
- By practicing devotion through these four techniques: Manas Japa (Simran, recitation of a divine name or names), Manas Dhyana (Dhyan, focus on the religious form), Dristi Sadhana (Yoga of Inner Light, Inner Seeing, Inner Light Meditation, focus on the Infinitesimal Point), and Nadanusandhana Yoga (Surat Shabd Yoga, concentration on the inner divine Sounds) -- the practitioner consecutively transcends the realms of darkness, Light, and Sound which cloak the Supreme Truth -- the Divine Reality. Only in a human body, an individual soul can achieve unity with the Divine. [In other forms of existence, animal, etc..., it is impossible to tread the spiritual path.]
- Lying, stealing, intake of intoxicating substances, adultery, and violence (including harming other beings) are the five sins to be avoided. Eating meat or fish is also considered a form of violence and should be avoided. The aspirants of Santmat must abstain from these vices.*
(* Note: In Buddhism and other Eastern Religions (Jainism, Taoism, Hinduism), these five abstinences are known as the Panch Shila -- "The Five Precepts" (see further below).
- The following are considered to be the requirements for the attainment of liberation: (A) Trust and belief in God; (B) Commitment to seek the Divine within; (C) Devotion and service to a Satguru -- spiritual Master; (D) Satsang, listening to the teaching and spiritual discourse including the study of the Teaching of the Saints and the scriptures; and (E) Dhyana, diligent meditation practice. ("Padavali of Maharshi Mehi," also quoted in "Harmony Of All Religions")
- Praise or Bhakti (singing praises: banis, bhajans, kirtans, odes, psalms, hymns);
- Prayer (Communion With God -- Conversations With God);
- Manas Japa (Simran, "Praying Without Ceasing," Mentally Repeating/Chanting the Name or Names of God -- Mantra -- the First Stage of Meditation);
- Manas Dhyana (Visualizing the Form of the Master* -- the Second Stage of Meditation);
- Dristi Sadhana (Seeing Inner Light at the Third Eye Center -- the Third Stage of Meditation);
- Nada Sadhana (Hearing the Inner Sounds -- Surat Shabd Yoga -- the Fourth Stage of Meditation);
- Reaching Kaivalya: Oneness with Soundlessness, the Nameless One (ANAMI), the Formless Supreme Being, Supreme State, the Ocean of Love (beyond all forms, lights, and sounds) -- the Fifth Stage of Meditation -- the Isht or Goal;
"Begin meditation with internally chanting or repeating the Guru-mantra-incantation (the charged words given by the Guru). And then try to visualize the radiant form or image of the Satguru in the still darkness of the inner sky (with eyes closed)*. Follow that with focusing your attention at the seat of the soul within, i.e., at the Third Eye or the Inner Eye or the Til Dwaar, by making the two streams of consciousness in your two eyes converge in a Point."
"When the two currents of consciousness meet in a Point, Divine Light appears within. Then, practice Surat Shabd Yoga (Yoga of Divine Sound), i.e., try to shift your attention to listening to the Divine Sounds or myriads of melodies (Anahad Naad) ringing inside. Listening to the Divine Sound destroys all the agitations and fickleness of the mind."
"Ascending beyond or transcending myriads of sounds, try to identify and tune in to the Quintessential Unstruck Melody, called "Saar Shabd" or "Anaahat Naad" which alone is capable of taking you and merging you into oneness with the Supreme Lord; this is the ultimate emancipation or liberation."
*NOTE: "In Kali Yuga, no spiritual activity would be successfully performed except the contemplation of the Swarup (Form) of the Sat Guru, Simran of Naam (Repetition of the Holy Name), and Dhyan of Naam (contemplation of the Holy Name) [Meditation of the Inner Light and Sound]." ("Last Words of Soami Ji Maharaj," Agra)
According to Sant Tulsi Das, one prominent custom or mode of practice is called Satsang -- the society of realized Saints. Satsang means "association with Eternal Truth" as well as "association with God" and is to some extent comparable to "church" or "temple," but not in any institutional sense. A saying of Jesus in the New Testament provides a good definition of this spiritual gathering called a "Satsang": "Where two or three are gathered in My Name, I am there in their midst." When devotees or initiates of a spiritual Master gather together in his name for worship, instruction, and meditation, the Masters teach that there's a spiritual charge or energy, a more vital manifestation of the loving Presence of God and a kind of 'communion of Saints,' past and present.
Satsang is an experience of spiritual community, an opportunity to be uplifted by the collective energy of our brothers and sisters on the Path, for we're influenced by the company we keep. Devotees make this a time and place of spiritual remembrance, and this helps to keep us on the Path.
The format of Satsang can include: a spiritual discourse, guidance about following the teachings of the Masters, a recording of a Master giving a talk, readings from the writings of the Masters, the reciting or singing of banis, bhajans or kirtans (hymns of worship composed by Sants), and silent group meditation. It's considered the greatest of blessings if a genuine spiritual Master (Sant Satguru) conducts the Satsang in person.
The effect of Satsang is that of divine remembrance. Thus, with such a spiritual boost, encouragement, and support for the spiritual journey, those who attend Satsang are more likely to stay on the Path and put effort into daily spiritual practice at home. (from the article, "The Yoga of Love, Becoming a Lover of the Beloved")
"Dear Aspirants! Each day strive to do both kinds of Satsang: inner and outer. Outer Satsang is listening to the teachings of great saints and studying the sacred texts. Inner Satsang is the practice of one-pointed meditation." (Maharishi Mehi)
"Without the association of great saints, there is neither discourse of the Divine nor the understanding of the scriptures. Without these two, selfish attachment does not loosen its grip. And without dispelling attachment to the world, one cannot attain the realm of the Divine and the true devotion that is essential to realize the Divine." (Sant Tulsi Das)
"On the gate of liberation are found four gate-keepers endowed with wisdom. These four are discipline, thoughtfulness (reflection), contentment and association with Saints." (Maha Upanishad)
"Discord and delusion can be removed by the power of the association of saints. For those who associate with saints, suffering dissolves, and they will remain immersed in joy. Joy arises from the noble company, and pain arises from association with the wicked, says Kabir, go to a place where saints dwell, and their association is possible." (Guru Kabir)
"By association with a pure soul, the mind becomes pure, and the darkness of attachment is dispelled. In attending to these quotes from different saints, it becomes clear that Satsang is vital for any serious spiritual seeker." (Yogi Panchanan Bhattacharya)
'Satsang' comprises two words, 'sat' and 'sang.' What is 'sat'?
'Sat' is that which can never be destroyed, and it is the essential element that is indestructible and beyond the limitations of time. And it is the truth. 'Sang' means association or contact, and this association or coming in contact with Sat or Truth is Satsang.
In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says:
"Whatever is Truth always exists and is never non-existent. That which is non-Truth has no existence whatsoever."
This indestructible element has always been constant and will forever remain as such? That element is the Supreme Being of the universe. Association with this Being, in reality, is an association with Truth (Satsang). But, what is it that would associate with this Supreme Being? Is it the body or the senses? The answer is that it is neither of these two. It is only apart from the body and minds that we will associate with the Supreme Being. This is because only our soul is an inseparable part of the Divine.
Only we (our soul) are capable of merging with the Divine. Our soul is truth, and also, the Supreme is Truth. True Satsang is the unity of the soul with the Supreme Truth. This is the highest kind of sat-sang. However, this highest kind of Satsang, harmony with the Divine, does not occur all of a sudden. This category of Satsang requires many lifetimes of good actions and spiritual imprints (samskaras).
Sant Tulsi Das says:
"The association of the saints brings an association with the Divine, and alliance with people who are engrossed in the world leads the way back to this world again and again."
To attain Ultimate Liberation, it is essential to associate with the saints. Having realized the proper form of God, Saints become that True Form. The accomplished great beings who have attained unity with the Divine and have experienced the Supreme Being even while living in this body have become the Supreme Being [They become one with their proper Divine Form]. Association with these saints is this second category of Satsang. However, finding such a saint is not an easy task, and a true Saint is rare and difficult to find.
Sant Tulsi Das says:
"Without the accumulation of many good deeds, one will be unable to gain the association of a great saint."
When our good karmas permit, we can come to experience the association of these sentient beings. The more important point is that even if we directly encounter such a saint, we often do not have the wisdom to recognize a genuine sage.
Sant Tulsi Das says:
"If someone says 'I have recognized a saint,' then I put my hands on my ears in astonishment. [It is not an easy task.]."
If ordinary people could recognize saints, then why, since antiquity, have so many great saints, sages, and prophets been tortured, maimed, and killed? Many saints have had to face horrible atrocities, and this would not have happened if we recognized the genuine great saints.
In daily life, we need the guidance of a great sage or saint. Even though we might encounter many so-called mahatmas or sadhus, the task of finding and identifying an accomplished guide is tricky. So, in consideration of this, how would Satsang (association with a true saint) be possible? The answer is that we can study the teachings of the great saints of the past because, in their education, we will find the elaboration of the truth. This then is the third category of sat-sang. Generally, when we speak of Satsang, this third category is meant. This kind of Satsang includes the study of scriptures and the words and writings of the saints and prophets of the past.
As we continue diligently in this third type of Satsang, we accumulate the meritorious karmas, leading to the meeting with a true saint. Then we will be able to do the second category of Satsang. As we continue in association with a great saint and with the saint's blessings, we will gradually begin to meditate and undertake the prescribed spiritual disciplines. By diligently practicing these disciplines, we will take one day, experience the first category of sat-sang -- the association with the Supreme. When we have thus accomplished the highest category of Satsang, our life's purpose will be fulfilled. (Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj, "Harmony Of All Religions")
- Satsang (Association with the Saints which Includes the Study of Their Writings and Scriptures);
- Selfless Service of the Spiritual Master [Seva];
- Love for God [Bhakti];
- Moral Rectitude;
- Purity of the Heart;
- Japa (Repetition of a Divine Name [Simran]); and,
- Dhyana [Meditation]. (In meditation practice, both gross and subtle meditations are described. In subtle meditation is a meditation of the Bindu-point -- the meditation of Inner Light -- Drishti Yoga [the Yoga of Vision], and Nadanusandhana [the meditation of Inner Sound] -- Surat-Shabda-Yoga [the Yoga of Sound].)
The Ethical Foundation of Sant Mat -- Ahimsa Values -- The Five Precepts (Two Versions: Traditional Lacto-Vegetarian, and Contemporary One Hundred Percent Vegan)
1. Abstinence from alcohol and drugs (intoxicants);
2. Ahimsa (Non-Violence in thought, word, and deed) including in the area of diet, as in following a lacto-vegetarian diet (abstinence from meat, fish, poultry, and eggs) -- "In Sant Mat, all Masters have decried killing and meat-eating." (Sant Tulsi Sahib, "Ghat Ramayan");
3. Leading a truthful life;
4. Practicing non-stealing: an honest, ethical source of income;
5. Loyalty to one's spouse;
- Refrain from taking the life of sentient beings. This precept also requires strict adherence to an ethical vegan diet (no animal products: no meat, fish, poultry, or eggs, fertilized or non-fertilized, no dairy products).
- Refrain from speaking what is not valid.
- Refrain from taking what is not yours.
- Refrain from sexual misconduct.
- Refrain from using intoxicants.
The Master said to his students: "What your own eyes cannot see, your human ears do not hear, your physical hands cannot touch, and what is inconceivable to the human mind -- that I will give you!" (Jesus/Yeshua, "Gospel of Thomas," Nag Hammadi Library of Egypt, one of the Gnostic Gospels or Lost Books of the Bible, a contemplative gospel for mystics)
In the Sant tradition, the complete methods and secrets of meditation practice are communicated at the time of INITIATION (Diksha) by a living Master (Sant Satguru, Competent, Qualified Teacher) or a representative of a Master (not a past Saint or holy book). A Living Teacher, being fully acquainted with the 'landscape' of Inner Space, can impart to initiate-candidates valuable guidance on how to safely make the journey of ascension to the Inner Regions during meditation practice within. This kind of spiritual transmission and the details of Surat Shabd Yoga practice are not found in books, old scriptures of the past and are not for sale but are given freely to seekers by a living Teacher.
At the time of Initiation, one vows to practice meditation each day. The spiritual path is a life-long commitment.
Path of the Masters: Sant Mat -- Santmat, Radhasoami -- Radha Soami, Satsang, Inner Light, and Sound Meditation: Surat Shabd Yoga, Audible Life Stream, Nada Yoga, Quanyin, The Quan Yin Method, Shurangama, The Way of the Surangama Sutra, The Sound of Silence -- Transcendental Hearing in Buddhism, Spiritual Science, the Soul, Spirituality, Kabir, Anurag Sagar, Maharshi Mehi Ashram, Kirpal Singh, Gnosticism, Third Eye, Out Of Body Experiences, Near-Death Experiences, Inner Space, the Kingdom of the Heavens Within You, Mystic Poetry, Vegetarian Vegan, Ahimsa, Love (Bhakti), and God.
The Brahm Nirupan of Guru Kabir is another spiritual classic of the Sant tradition of India (Sant Mat) and represents more Dharamdasi Kabir Panth literature quite compatible with other Kabirian "dialogues gospels," these 'Q and A sessions' between Guru Kabir and Sant Dharam Dass, such as the Kabir Sagar, Anurag Sagar (Ocean of Love), Sukh Niddn, and Amar Mul.
Its verses reveal a similar inner esoteric or mystical landscape to that taught by Swami Ji Maharaj of Agra (Sant Radhaswami Sahib), Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar, and Param Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras. Brahm Nirupan gives us a glimpse into the more advanced stages of Surat Shabd Yoga (Inner Light and Sound Meditation) as practiced in the Kabir line of Masters (Sant Sat Gurus).
"O, Dharam Dass! Seeing your devotion and piousness, I know that you are a perfect disciple, so I have happily revealed to you the secret knowledge. Now, keep it in your heart and enjoy eternal bliss." (Saying 348, Brahm Nirupan of Guru Kabir)
"Contemplating on the Sat Shabd, even for half of a moment, confers much more spiritual merit than living in the holy city of Kashi for millions of years." (Saying 20, Brahm Nirupan of Guru Kabir) Click to Listen [@ Youtube]:
Meditation For Beginners -- An Introduction -- Exploring the Light and Sound Within -- Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast -- Click to Listen [@ Youtube]:
KABIR: One of India's Greatest Poets and Spiritual Masters, Part Five: "The love which comes in one moment and goes away in next is not a true love. The Love, which is not lessened anytime, remains always filled in the body (and heart) -- is the true Love." (Kabir) "Living in this world for a short period is good, but instead of wasting one's life doing meaningless things, it is advisable to dedicate it to remembering God. What is the use of living for millions of years if one did not dedicate his time to self-introspection and remembering God, i.e., such life is a total waste; who will keep an account of it? My real happiness lies in the supreme 'Self.'" (Kabir Vani 1008) -- Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast -- Click to Listen [@ Tumblr]:
KABIR: One of India's Greatest Poets and Spiritual Masters, Part Four: "Keep on doing your work. Keep on reciting God's name, and you will live pleasantly in this world." (Kabir). "The Satguru is very kind to the humble and the meek, and His advent here has been an act of great compassion. He has shown His grace and mercy to me. The path which could have taken crores [many millions] of births to tread, He has enabled me to negotiate in a moment." (Kabir, The Essential Kabir, M.G. Gupta translation) -- Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast -- Click to Listen [@ Tumblr]:
KABIR: One of India's Greatest Poets and Spiritual Masters, Part Three: "A diamond was laying in the street covered with dirt. Many fools passed by. Someone who knew diamonds picked it up." (Kabir). "The effulgence of the Supreme Being is beyond the imagination: Ineffable is His beauty, to see it is the only proof." (Kabir) -- Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast -- Click to Listen [@ Tumblr]:
KABIR: One of India's Greatest Poets and Spiritual Masters, Part Two: "Meditation will remove all your burdens; meditation upon Ram's [God's] name will become your support." (Kabir). "That a droplet is contained inside the ocean is common knowledge. But very rare are those who can behold the ocean (universes) to be contained within the droplet (body)." (Kabir) -- Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast -- Click to Listen [@ Tumblr]:
KABIR: One of India's Greatest Poets and Spiritual Masters, Part One: Kabir's spirituality is a blend of Prem and Bhakti: love and devotion for the Beloved Lord, the One God, and a meditation practice leading to inner mystical experiences of a visionary and auditory nature, the Divine Light and Sound.
"God is beyond all limitations of time, space, and causation, and he is beyond all attribute! God is Formless and is Omnipresent, and we must see this universality of God reflected everywhere."
"Maya (illusion) has bound and confused the whole world and keeps people in doubt and spiritual ignorance (avidya). Awaken to the indwelling Presence of God and get off the wheel karmas. Overcome Maya and realize the unity of all existence."
"Give up violence towards all living beings, knowing that life is as dear to them as your life is to you. Just as you feel pain, other creatures also feel pain. Abstain from killing. Reading religious books and praying will not get rid of your negative karmas."
"We all came from the same eternal abode, and we have to return to that same eternal abode. But we cannot reach there until we are pure in heart."
"Practice meditation and realize your real Self, and the same Self was pervading everywhere. When you realize this unity, you have attained Sahaj Samadhi, and this state is beyond all dualities and is the source of eternal bliss." -- Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast -- Click to Listen [@ Tumblr]:
The Reality and Not the Illusion of Having A Guru: It's very, very, very unhealthy to be trapped in an imaginary matrix where there is only one true guru on Planet Earth, only one option. Suppose one has been brainwashed into thinking there is only one path on Earth for this lifetime, only one choice, and no place to run. In that case, there is the danger that one could rationalize all their concerns away in the name of protecting their spiritual condition. However, living in a multi-verse with multiple options makes one bold and daring, willing to ask the tough questions come-what-may, allowing one to view things fearlessly, free of worry. One develops a wisdom-eye blessed with discernment and high standards: Spiritual Awakening Radio -- Click to Listen [@ Tumblr]:
The Five Precepts and Ethical Foundation of the Masters: About Peace and Ahimsa Ethics According to Jainism and the Sant Tradition of India: "Non-violence and compassion towards all living beings are fundamental principals in a spiritual life." (Dr. Jagessar Das). "Be gentle of heart and fill your mind with compassion if you want to attain the supreme purpose of life." (Swami Ji Maharaj, Sar Bachan Poetry) "Do not keep any ill feelings in your mind. Kindly heed my request and shun such thoughts." (Guru Kabir) "Lord Mahavira knew that is impossible to attain liberation and well-being of the self without morality and observance of discipline. Thus he declared: 'Restraint (Sheela, life of moral rectitude) is the ladder to liberation.'" (Swami Santsevi Ji, Harmony Of All Religions) "Right Vision or Faith (Samyak Darshana), Right Knowledge (Samyak Gyana), and Right Conduct (Samyak Charitra) -- constitutes the path to liberation. These are known as Jainism's triple gems (or jewels) and, hence, Ratnatraya. These three are essential for the soul to evolve spiritually." (Wikipedia entry on Jainism) -- The Five Precepts and Ethical Foundation of the Masters: About Peace and Ahimsa Ethics According to Jainism and the Sant Tradition of India -- Readings from World Scriptures and Spiritual Masters Accompanied Musically by Indian Classical Ragas (Flute and Tablas): Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast -- Click to Listen [@ Tumblr]:
Sant Mat Satsang Podcast: Dadu the Compassionate Mystic, Part 1: An Introduction -- Some Background on Sant Dadu Dayal, His Teachings and Mystic Poetry. Dadu is one of my all-time favorite classic Sants of India. He was a great poet-mystic and spiritual Master of Divine Light, Sound, and Nirguna Bhakti (devotion to the Formless God) from Rajasthan in the tradition of Kabir. Anyone who studies his teachings will encounter a genuine version of Sant Mat with the perfect balance of God and guru bhakti, love, and mysticism.
One does not have to be "bookish" to follow this Path of the Masters, but it is a great blessing to be informed by the classic Sants of India and their spiritual classics. Kabir, Nanak, Ravidas, Namdev, Dariya Sahib of Bihar, Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, Sant Radhasoami Sahib, Maharshi Mehi, and Sant Dadu Dayal are all significant figures in this Way of the Lover and the Beloved. They are the founders of the living Guru-lineages that have made initiation into Inner Light and Sound Meditation possible for countless souls during this Kali Yuga, this vast epoch of time. All have composed from-the-heart mystic poetry that helps one better understand the teachings of the Masters from a more holistic, traditional Indian perspective. If you enjoy Rumi, make room for these great souls who, like Rumi, have also helped to uplift the destiny of humanity. The Sant Mat Satsang Podcast -- Click to Listen [@ Tumblr]:
Sant Mat Satsang Podcast: Dadu the Compassionate Mystic, Part 2: Teachings of Dadu; On the Origin of the Maha-Mantra "Satya Raam," and the Bhakti (Love) Mystic Poetry of Sant Dadu. Sant Dadu Dayal proclaimed the unity of Divine Life -- Self -- Existent and Eternal -- the One Existence from which all existences are drawn, in which all things live and unto which all facts return. We are apt to look upon all physical objects as having an independent reality of their own. But our conception of physical forms as self-existent objects without realizing the One source of all life is due to a lack of proper knowledge.
"Repeat within thyself the Name of the Imperceptible One in such a way that God echoes forth from every pore of thy being. Dissolve thyself completely, like salt in water; that is called the true repetition of the name." (Dadu) The Sant Mat Satsang Podcast -- Click to Listen [@ Tumblr]:
Sant Mat Satsang Podcast: God is the True Focus of Sant Mat, the Path of the Masters: a talk based on mystic verses of Sant Dadu Dayal, the medieval poet-mystic from Rajasthan in the north-western part of India. The Sant Mat Satsang Podcast -- Click to Listen [@ Tumblr]:
Sant Mat Satsang Podcast: A RARE SATSANG DISCOURSE BY SWAMI SANTSEVI JI MAHARAJ GIVEN AT THE Maharshi Mehi Ashram, Kuppaghat, Bhagalpur, Bihar District, INDIA. Hindi with English Language Translation Provided by Professor Veena Howard. Listen [@ Youtube]:
Sant Mat Satsang PODcast: Evidence that Jesus and The Original Aramaic Christians Were Vegetarians or Vegans -- A Vegetarian Jesus and Apostles at the Beginning of Christianity, and, The Gospels of the Ebionites -- Research into the question of the vegetarian diet, Jesus and the original Christian movement of Palestine is presented. The first Christians, also known as Ebionites or Nazoreans, were kosher and strictly adhered to a vegetarian diet. The most extensive surviving collection of Ebionite scriptures is "The Clementine Homilies" and "The Recognitions of Clement." Those are vegetarian gospels and condemn animal sacrifice in any form. It says in the "Book of Homilies" that God does not want animals killed at all (3.45) and condemns those who eat meat (7.4, 7.8). And these passages below also show their vegan diet (no eggs, no dairy, no animal products, period). The Ebionite or Hebrew Gospel quotes Jesus saying, "I have come to abolish the sacrifices, and if you cease not from sacrificing, my wrath will not cease from you." (Panarion 30.16.5) Peter said, "I live on olives and bread to which I rarely only add vegetables." ("Clementine Homilies" 12,6; also see, Recognitions 7,6) "And happiness is found in the practice of virtue. Accordingly, the Apostle Matthew partook of seeds, and nuts, hard-shelled fruits, and vegetables, without flesh." (Clement of Alexandria, "The Instructor," book 2, chapter 1) "John never ate meat." (Church historian Hegesipp according to Eusebius, "History of the Church" II 2:3) "James, the brother of the Lord, lived on seeds and plants and touched neither meat nor wine." ("Epistulae ad Faustum" XXII, 3) "James, the brother of the Lord was holy from his mother's womb; and he drank no wine nor strong drink, nor did he eat flesh." (Hegesippus, quoted in, "The Church History of Eusebius," book 2, chapter 23) And James became the successor of Christ and subsequent leader of the Jesus Movement! The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 12: "The disciples said to Jesus, 'We are aware that you will depart from us. Who will be our leader?' Jesus said to him, 'No matter where you come, it is to James the Just that you shall go, for whose sake heaven and earth have come to exist.'" Some who oppose traditional Sant Mat, including particular quasi "Western Light and Sound groups," sometimes make propaganda by citing passages from the New Testament about eating meat. They falsely argue that, in their view, "Jesus ate meat and therefore we should eat meat too." This is put to rest and dealt with rather thoroughly as we explore the teachings of the Hebrew Christians. Those in Jerusalem -- Jesus's own family and spiritual successors headed by the Apostle James -- the brother of Jesus and subsequent leader of the Aramaic-speaking Jerusalem Community -- were vegetarians. They disagreed with Paul's sect about diet. They also composed their own Gospels, and you'll get to hear some readings from them. ♥ Be Vegan ♥ Make Peace ♥ Peace Begins On Our Plate ♥ [@ Youtube]:
The Mystic Poetry and Teachings of Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, India -- These poetry readings are based on Tulsi's poems from Agra, Maharshi Mehi Ashram, Pravesh K. Singh, and the SadGuruMehi website, are musically accompanied with Indian classical ragas. These are unlicensed recordings donated to the program by my good friend P.A. John. Any serious study of Sant Mat teachings must include the hymns and spiritual discourses of Sant Tulsi Sahib". Param Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, India was the Adi Guru of many if not most all contemporary Sant Mat guru-lineages, the "grandfather" or "founding-father" of modern-day Sant Mat. He connects the classic Sants of India, including earlier Masters in the Kabir lineage, and contemporary Sant Mat Mysticism. "Sant Mat" means: "The Way of the Saints" or "Path of the Masters." It's common knowledge that the term "Sant Mat" was coined by Param Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, India, during the 19th Century. Tulsi Sahib coined the term "Sant Mat." Still, the Sant tradition, with its many guru-lineages or branches, is a spiritual movement that dates back many centuries to ancient India. Tulsi Sahib thought that the Sant movement goes back to Krishna thousands of years ago, that Krishna knew of Sants or Rishis during his day, the age of the Bhagavad Gita. Click to Listen [@ Youtube]:
Sant Mat Satsang PODcast with James Bean: "The Role of the Master is to Bring Us Into the Direct Experience of God -- Spiritual Masters, Competent Qualified Teachers, Guides -- About Sant Satgurus." Click to Hear This Edition of the Sant Mat Satsang PODcast [@ Youtube]:
Sant Mat Satsang PODcast: The Origins of Sant Mat: The Dharamdasi-Tulsi Sahib Connection: The Five Names and Anurag Sagar: Sant Mat History is the focus of this edition of the Sant Mat Podcast. What is the family tree of Sant Mat? Where does this spiritual path come from? Who used the Five Names (Panch Naam) before Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras? Who was Tulsi Sahib's Guru (one of the successors of Sant Dariya Sahib in Bihar)? Who are the People of the Anurag Sagar? Who used the Anurag Sagar (Kabir's "Ocean of Love"), a sacred text of Sant Mat, before the time of Tulsi Sahib and Radhasoami? I make the case that the lineage of Masters begins with Guru Kabir, goes to Sant Dharam Das (the Dharamdasis), then perhaps to one of Dharam Das's successors, such as Churamani Naam, to Dariya Sahib's Guru, to Dariya Sahib of Bihar, then to one of the successors of Dariya (Guna Das or Teka Das), to Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, and branched out from there. Click to Hear This Edition of the Sant Mat Satsang PODcast [@ Youtube]:
Sant Mat Satsang PODcast: A Sant Mat Conference: Spircon and The Murar Declaration; Also: Paradoxical Poems; & Focus On What Matters: The Universes Within: "We recognize all those belonging to the larger Radhasoami Satsang Community who satisfy the following criteria: (1) Recognize Param Purush Puran Dhani Soamiji Maharajas Avtar of Radhasoami Dayal (2) Accept Radhasoami Naam as the true Nij Naam and (3) the practice of Surat-Shabda-Yoga under the guidance of a living Sant Satguru as the way for attaining salvation. "Recalling the fact that Satsang movement has been started to spread true religion and peace and tranquillity in the world and attract the people towards the Holy Feet of Huzur Radhasoami Dayal, we feel that this object can be better served by maintaining mutual affection and brotherly relations among the different sects......." Click to Hear This Edition of the Sant Mat Satsang PODcast [@ Youtube]:
Sant Mat Satsang PODcast: Sant Mat and Hinduism: Introducing the Sant Tulsi Sahib -- Maharshi Mehi Satsang of India and Nepal. All about Traditional Sant Mat from an Indian Perspective. A delightful conversation introduces listeners to a rare spiritual path from India known as Sant Mat, the Way of the Saints. It also can be translated as, The Path of the Masters. Click to Hear This Edition of the Sant Mat Satsang PODcast [@ Youtube]:
December 2010 Sant Mat Satsang PODcast: My Guest is Mark Juergensmeyer: The spirit of Sant Mat "ecumenism" and dialogue of the recent Spircon conference; also some Sant Mat history speculation on the origins of the Radhasoami Faith: the ashram of the Tulsi Sahib group in Hathras, "the People of the Anurag Sagar" or the "Esoteric Santism" of Sant Dariya Sahib and the Dharamdasi Branch of Kabir Panth. I am back for a new season and Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts. Mark Juergensmeyer is director of the Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies, professor of sociology, and affiliate professor of religious studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is an expert on religious violence, conflict resolution, and South Asian religion and politics, and has published more than two hundred articles and twenty books, including "Radhasoami Reality, The Logic of A Modern Faith," Princeton University Press; "Songs of the Saints of India" (Mystic Poetry of Kabir, Guru Nanak, Ravidas, Mirabai, Sur Das, and Tulsi Das), Oxford University Press; contributed chapters to, "The Sants - Studies in A Devotional Tradition of India," Motilal Banarsidas Books of Delhi. We discuss the recent "Spircon 2010 International Seminar on the Religion of Sants - Radhasoami Faith - Spiritual Consciousness Studies", held recently at Dayalbagh, which is associated with the Radhasoami Satsang Dayal Bagh, Agra. Other branches of Sant Mat/Radhasoami that participated in this historic event include Huzuri Bhawan/Pipal Mandi (Agram Prasad Mathur), Radhasoami Satsang Tarn Taran (Baba Kehar Singh), and Radhaswami Satsang Dinod (Sant Kanwar Singh). Click to Hear This Edition of the Sant Mat Satsang PODcast [@ Youtube]:
Sant Mat Satsang PODcast: "Happy Guru Purnima": Master's Day: Reflections about the role of Sant Satgurus: The Competent Living Master, a Qualified Teacher, The True One, Genuine Mentor, a Righteous and Worthy Guide, A Fearless Being, Light-giver, Leader of a Spiritual Community. An Ode to the Sant SatGuru. Satsang PODcast [@ Youtube]:
Sant Mat Satsang PODcast: "Inner Sound Meditation Practice (Surat Shabd Yoga)." PODcast [@ Youtube]:
Sant Mat Satsang PODcast: "Three Central Teachings of the Sikh Gurus: Living Masters, The Sound Current, and, Vegetarianism." PODcast [@ Youtube]:
Sant Mat Satsang PODcast: "Chand Mat" (As in Baba Faqir Chand). PODcast [@ Youtube]:
Sant Mat Satsang Podcast: Hear readings from the following sources: a book called "Petals of Love," by Professor Agam Prasad Mathur of Agra, on the history and spirituality of the classic Sants of India; verses of the Devotional Poetry of Saint Namdev from a text known as the "Hindi Padavali"; "The Harmony of All Religions," by Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj, on the primary goals of this living school of spirituality from India known as Sant Mat; also reading about the astral plane or region known as The Thousand Petaled Lotus (Sahas-dal-Kanwal), from the book, "Enchanted Land." That reading includes a passage from the "Sar Bachan Poetry" of Soami Ji Maharaj, Volume One. On the ahimsa ethics of the Masters, there will be reading from the "Sakhi Granth" of Guru Kabir. Sant Mat Satsang PODcast [@ Youtube]:
The Yoga of Sound, Part 1 of a 5-Part Series: Buddhism. Click to Hear This Edition of the Sant Mat Satsang PODcast [@ Youtube]:
The Origins of Sant Mat, The Five Names, and the Identity of Tulsi Sahib's Guru, Part 1 of a 5-Part Series. Click to Hear This Edition of the Sant Mat Satsang PODcast [@ Youtube]:
Ascension of the Soul, Part 1 of a 5-Part Series. Click to Hear This Edition of the Sant Mat Satsang PODcast [@ Youtube]:
The Yoga of Love (Bhakti), Part 1 of a 4-Part Series. Click to Hear This Edition of the Sant Mat Satsang PODcast [@ Youtube]:
The Spiritual Message of the Gospel of Thomas and the Syriac Mystics. Click to Hear This Edition of the Sant Mat Satsang PODcast [@ Youtube]:
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene and Gnostic Spirituality. Listen [@ Youtube]:
The Gnostic Gospels of Nag Hammadi -- An Inclusive Rather Than Exclusive Spirituality. Listen [@ Youtube]:
The Origins of Eckankar (IK Onkar), the HU Chant, the Path of the Masters, and Vegetarian Ethics. Listen [@ Youtube]:
The Path of the Living Masters: How A Formless God Communicates With Souls Living in Worlds of Form. Listen [@ Youtube]:
Sant Mat Books -- Library -- Recommended reading -- a comprehensive collection of links to Sant Mat, Radhasoami, Surat Shabd Yoga E-Books, also, Audio/Talking Books, along with Gnostic and Vegan Books Online: *CLICK*.
Sant Mat E-Books @ Scribd: *CLICK*.
Anurag Sagar Studies -- Kabir's Ocean of Love -- Two Different Translations of a Key Sacred Text used by Sant Mat and the Dharamdasi Branch of Kabir Panth, Five MP3 Satsang Talks Based on the Anurag Sagar, Links to the Bijak of Kabir, Prakashmani Gita, The Brahm Nirupan of Guru Kabir, Book of Amar Mul, Book of Satsang Prayers, and Other Texts: *Anurag Sagar Studies*
Radhasoami Books Online: The Writings of Soami Ji Maharaj: Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry, Part One, Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry, Part Two, Sar Bachan Radhasoami Prose, Soami Ji Maharaj's Letters to Huzur Maharaj, Swami Ji's Commentary on the Jap Ji of Guru Nanak, and, Last Words of Soami Ji Maharaj: *Writings of Soami Ji Maharaj*
Sant Mat Book Online: "Harmony Of All Religions" (Sarvadharma Samanvy) -- about Inner Light and Sound Meditation in the Great World Religions and the Sant Mat tradition -- by Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj, Translated Into English by Veena Howard: *Harmony Of All Religions*
An Introduction to Sant Mat -- India's Nirguna Bhakti Sants and Poet-Mystics -- Radhasoami -- Sant Mat Spirituality, Mysticism, Ethics, and Initiation -- Radhasoami, and Surat Shabd Yoga (Inner Light and Sound Meditation): *CLICK*.
Charts of the Heavens -- God-Worlds -- Inner Regions -- Planes -- Spheres of Creation According to Sant Mat Mysticism, Radhasoami, and Surat Shabd Yoga: *CLICK*.
Guru Lineage Charts of Sant Mat, Surat Shabd Yoga -- Inner Light and Sound Meditation, Guru Kabir, the Dharamdasis of Kabir Panth, Dariya Sahib, the Ten Sikh Gurus, Param Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, Maharshi Mehi, and the Radhasoami Faith -- Scroll Way Down For Charts of the Heavens -- Inner Regions -- Planes -- Spheres: *CLICK*
Sant Mat @ Twitter, a news feed about the latest Sant Mat blogs, posts, quotes, announcements, podcasts, websites, and videos: *CLICK*.
Sant Mat @ Tumblr, a news feed about the latest Sant Mat blogs, posts, quotes, announcements, podcasts, websites, and videos: *CLICK*.
PODCAST: The Origins of Sant Mat Revisited: *CLICK*
Sant Mat Radhasoami @ Facebook: All About Sant Mat, Radha Soami, Surat Shabd Yoga -- Inner Light and Sound Meditation, Love and Devotion (Prem and Bhakti), Union With God, Music, Poetry, Radio, Podcasts, Prose, Book Reviews, Quotes from Spiritual Classics and Scriptures from India, Satsang Discourses from Ancient Times up to the Living Present -- the Path of the Masters: *CLICK*
Sant Mat @ Instagram: *CLICK*.
Sant Mat @ Diaspora: *CLICK*.
The Sant Mat Radhasoami Blog @ Blogger.com: Spiritual Quotes from Sant Mat Mystics, Sufis, Gnostics, Lost Books of the Bible, World Scriptures, Sacred Texts, Spiritual Classics, from Lovers of the Beloved, Exploring the World of Spirituality, Comparative Religion, Books, Websites, The Path of the Masters: Radha Soami, Poet-Mystics and Other Rare Books of the East, Christian Mystics, Vegetarian Vegan Diet, Inner Space, Surat Shabd Yoga -- Inner Light and Sound Meditation, soul travel, Union with God, also Spiritual Awakening Radio Announcements: *CLICK*.
Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality Blog @ Medium: *CLICK*
Sant Mat Radhasoami Blog @ WordPress: *CLICK*
Sant Mat Fellowship LINKS PAGE @ WordPress: This is the most comprehensive links page online dedicated to the Path of the Masters. The research that has gone into this page is intended to provide online resources from an inter-faith, non-sectarian perspective exploring Inner Light and Sound Meditation -- Surat Shabd Yoga, Sant Mat, The Path of the Masters, Radhasoami, Kabir Panth, also Online Books including Sacred Texts from India: *CLICK*.
Sant Mat Radhasoami Channel @ Youtube: Spiritual Awakening Radio and Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts -- Like, Subscribe, and Share With Others: *CLICK*
Sant Mat Fellowship @ Groups IO, the Replacement For Yahoo Groups (E-Mail/Mailing List) Featuring "Light and Sound on the Path" -- an e-newsletter based on the Path of the Masters -- Join GroupsIO and Then Subscribe to the Sant Mat Mailing List: *CLICK*.
Radhasoami Surat Shabd Yoga Community @ Live Journal: *CLICK*
Myspace Tribute Profile and Blog Dedicated to the Teachings of Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj, SantMat Master -- Sant Satguru -- Scholar-Sant -- A Qualified Teacher of Divine Love, Light, and Sound: *CLICK*
SadGuruMehi.com: Great Website on Sant Mat: The Faith of the Sants *CLICK*
MaharishiMehi.com: *Maharishi Mehi Website Based in the USA*
MehiSant.com: Swami Vyasanand's Website *Books @ MehiSant.com*
http://SantMehi.com: Maharshi Mehi Ashram: *Official Maharshi Mehi Ashram Website*
The Philosophy Of Liberation (Salvation, Moksha-Darshan) e-Book: A Manuel of Sant Mat Mysticism, by Maharishi Mehi: *Major Spiritual Classic Book on Sant Mat Spirituality and Meditation*
The Old Way of Sages Maharshi Mehi USA Website via the Wayback Machine: *CLICK*
PODCASTS: Listen to Spiritual Awakening Radio and Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts Online via the Archive Page of Spiritual Awakening Radio.com -- GO TO: *Shows-On-Demand -- Listen Anytime*
PODCASTS -- @ the Old EarthChannel Site -- GO TO: *Spiritual Awakening Radio -- Shows-On-Demand*
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Spiritual Awakening Radio PODCASTS @ Libsyn. A new show is added each week. GO TO: *PODCASTS*